Nutritional Odds and Ends
It has been a while since I began writing about the nonsense which is my diet. So I thought that I would provide an update of my current supplements, diet and nutritional balance. I'm still taking Co Q 10, 600 mg per day, and B2, which should increase its effectiveness. Vitamin D, 4000 to 6000 IU. I have a hard time making up my mind about how much vitamin D to take, there are some people who say don't take too much, but no one gives me a good explanation of what that is. Also according to a famous biochemist on You Tube, Rhonda Patrick, vitamin D helps slow telomere shortening. The recommendation for increased neurogenesis is 400 IU Co Q 10 and 400 mg vitamin B2 each day. I don't take the 600mg of Apha-lipoic Acid which also promotes neurogenesis. Maybe I should. I'm one of those fools who thinks they need more brains. I stopped taking DHEA, everyone's favorite precursor hormone, back in the bad old days when I had no EPA/DHA in my system and i...