
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Green Goo

I've been straying from my standard breakfast, and I'm afraid that my blood sugars are up and I've gained weight.  Now it is time to get serious and begin, once again, the consumption of what used to be my normal breakfast, or a large part of it, the infamous green goo. Sounds appetizing, doesn't it? Let me say that I strayed so far as to actually get a pound of hamburger, although it was grass fed, and I ate eggs and smothered the whole thing in not the best cheese in the world. But I should describe the goo, although it has gone by other names, such as green gunk, or just plain gunk. My wife won't touch the stuff. Basically, I put some water (either reverse osmosis or ionized) on the stove and let it heat up while I get the jar with the pea protein, the Spirulina and a bag of powdered L-lysine out of the pantry. If these could be measured, I will attempt an approximation, the amounts would be several heaping tea spoonfuls of pea protein, a heaping teas