
Showing posts from March, 2021

What I Think I've Learned about Staying Healthy

I change my mind so much about what I should eat that I hesitate to make any proclamation about food, supplements and health.  Now that I've dropped the Esselstyn diet, I see its flaws.  It was thoroughly anti animal fat, that place where we get oil soluble vitamins and right sized omegas. It put me in a position of not having enough of that kind of fat to make muscle and God knows what else.  It was consistent with so much of what I was being told at cardio rehab, and I fell for it.  After all, they were the experts. The obvious things to eat and not eat could be put in a one page memo.  And it probably has been at one time or another.   I like lists, and this one is what I think is good.   Please take it with a grain of salt, I'm not perfect. Let's start with vitamins:   I like liposomal vitamin C because it stays in your system.  That doesn't mean don't take the other stuff.   The other stuff has a two hour half life. Take a B-50 or a good multivitamin with B vit

Vagaries of Vertigo

 I've had the most unpleasant time over the last couple of weeks, since I developed vertigo and had to start watching what I was eating because the wrong food would cause me to repeatedly vomit when I had vertigo. The thing is, repeated vomiting results in stomach upset which, along with vertigo, leads to more vomiting.  I think the vertigo started with an ear infection, which damaged my inner ear of the left side.  I don't hear as well out of that ear anymore. So I've been through almost half a dozen episodes and finally I went to the doctor and she gave me a description of the Epley Maneuver, a series of positions and movements one takes on a bed to reposition the little calcium crystals in the inner ear so that they work properly. I'm sure I did it wrong.  Oddly, it worked.