
Showing posts from September, 2021

Still Trying to Figure Out the Right Diet?

My cardiologist is breathing down my neck and I'm sure will want to put me on a Statin, which is not an option for me. So I was cutting down on the amount of fat I was eating, primarily because I have an inflamed spot just below my esophagus, and it makes evening difficult if I've eaten anything "wrong", which means anything that will keep me up with a sensation like a finger sticking up my esophagus.   I had my blood draw at the end of August, I see my doctor, and the results on September 7th, and I video with my cardiologist on the 15th.  Yuck. I don't think my scores are great, but I have a better handle on things than I used to. At least I know the basic things to stay away from, I do need some saturated fat for the reason that I start to have real problems without it.   I find this interesting: Dr. Sten Ekberg talks about the standard medical text ( Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology ) which he found fas