
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Peculiarities of Uric Acid

 I've been listening to some discussions and lectures about uric acid.   My brother had gout, and that's from crystals of uric acid being deposited in joints because you have too much of the stuff.  Aside from that almost nobody talks about elevated uric acid values as a problem, but that's changing.  The general idea is that things like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and dementia are related to elevated levels of uric acid.  I've watched this one featuring Dr Perlmutter:    And I'm about to watch this one featuring Dr Johnson:  I've added quercetin to my list of supplements, and take it daily.  Uric acid is on the list of tests I'll be taking in a couple of weeks time. Phil  

Vitamin D & Blood Tests That Relate

My calcium and magnesium were tested on a blood draw from March 17th, and booth were well in the normal range.  The calcium was 9.4 mg/dL and magnesium was 5.1 which is normal.  My vitamin D level last November was 78.5 ng/dL, my new value is 135 ng/dL. The reason I bring this up is that with high doses of vitamin D (I'm doing 40,000 IU per day), the two biggest problems are a deficiency of magnesium, which people can have anyway, and calcium rising and causing problems such as kidney stones. Or worse.   I got this information from Jeff Bowles , who has some interesting reading material on the subject of vitamin D, and its co-factors.