
Showing posts from December, 2018

Soup du Jour

There are really two parts (when I'm not traveling) to my diet; one is breakfast and the other is the Soup of the Day. And the Soup is the important part. We must begin by asking ourselves, how does one survive being a vegetarian or vegan among all those meat eaters keeling over from heart attacks, when vegans too can keel over. According to a Vegan Extraordinaire, Dr Gregor in one of his You Tube presentations, one must get some omega-3s, vitamin D and B-12. That's all it takes because everything else is readily available in the plant world and can easily be put into a soup. Let me describe my soup and you can make some yourself. I start with a small sauce pan and add a couple of cups of vegetable broth as available at Whole Foods because it looks to be relatively undoctored. I have a little bowl full of salt and a one gram scooper, I put in two scoops, but I love salt and it doesn't affect my blood pressure. Decide how much salt you want. I use all froze

After Fish Oil my Omega Fatty Acids are Still a Problem

At the end of October I had my annual physical exam blood tests and they included a check of my omega fatty acids. For at least several weeks, I had been taking fish oil capsules left over from the good old days of eating meat.  More than a handful of months. My primary doctor's note on the test that I scanned and sent to my cardiologist indicated that the change between this test and the one a month before was insignificant. Nothing quite like having a failed strategy concerning something that could kill me (at least according to Dr Gregger, a You Tube Doctor and Vegan extraordinaire). The bottle of fish oil I was using was purchased at my Pharmacy at least a year prior and was just past it's TRASH day. Silly me. I've switched to Carlson's which is a quality fish oil of wild caught salmon. I also started imbibing Carlson's cod liver oil, which, in the amounts that I take has a higher level of compatible omegas than fish oil.  So at some point in a m