Supplemental Supplements
My wife tells me I make lists. I do, and then I start talking about them. Here is the list of the supplements I take and why I take them. Vitamin C and MSM in H2O : Theoretically, aside from the concrete help with arthritis and exercise, this concoction should offer my cardiovascular system support. The MSM helps detox cells, and creates a more flexible bond between the cells in my circulatory system. Which helps my arteries become more flexible. The thing about this is it doesn't happen overnight, it happens slowly, but given enough time my circulatory system should improve. At least that's what the promoters of this stuff claim. Vitamin D3 and L-Arginine: Somewhere on YouTube is a Doctor (J. Joseph Prendergrast) who claims that this combination cleans out arterial gunk. He says this because he had an MRI or PET or something like that when he was 37 and his doctors gave him a pep talk that basically said that after had his heart attack, they ...