Supplemental Supplements

My wife tells me I make lists.  I do, and then I start talking about them.  Here is the list of the supplements I take and why I take them.

Vitamin C and MSM in H2O:  Theoretically, aside from the concrete help with arthritis and exercise, this concoction should offer my cardiovascular system support.

The MSM helps detox cells, and creates a more flexible bond between the cells in my circulatory system.  Which helps my arteries become more flexible.

The thing about this is it doesn't happen overnight, it happens slowly, but given enough time my circulatory system should improve.  At least that's what the promoters of this stuff claim.

Vitamin D3 and L-Arginine: Somewhere on YouTube is a Doctor (J. Joseph Prendergrast) who claims that this combination cleans out arterial gunk.  He says this because he had an MRI or PET or something like that when he was 37 and his doctors gave him a pep talk that basically said that after had his heart attack, they would take really good care of him.  Then he supplemented with D3 and L-Arginine and sometime later he had another MRI, and since the same person did both MRI's  there was a good deal of surprise that what used to be quantities of sludgy stuff on his arteries had vanished.

It's done the rounds on the Internet and the consensus is 5000 IU of D3 with 5 grams of L-Arginine.

Then there are the reports of how L-Arginine works, and how it doesn't work for people my age.  But that guy looked older than me so I'm hoping I'm not too ancient for this stuff to be useful.

Let's face it, an N of 1 is anecdotal, not a scientific study, but the downside is negligible and since I've had cancer already it's possible I'll have a CT scan at some time.  And maybe my sludgy stuff will be gone.

At times, one can only hope.

By the way, just the vitamin D is great for your arteries.

B-Complex:  I get all my information watching YouTube.  I was watching a doctor explain that a number of B vitamins have a positive effect on a person's cardiovascular system.  The last YouTube I watched said that there were three; but this isn't a research paper, it's an informal list.  B6, B12 and Niacin, if I remember properly. 

Spirulina:  I add Spirulina to my Pea Protein powder and make a hot beverage which also contains a bit of Lysine and some ConcenTrace mineral supplements.

The Spirulina has, aside from a complete protein, vitamins and minerals.  I'm mostly interested in the Magnesium, and Green stuff (it is blue green algae after all) so I want to have some fat with it (I have butter from Pastured cattle) so that I can get some K2 from it.  K2 supports your cardiovascular system.

I add Lysine because it's a useful amino acid and according to a Linus Pauling website if you are taking a lot of Vitamin C and you ingest Lysine it will help with certain kinds of arterial plaque.

The ConcenTrace adds Magnesium in solution and a long list of trace minearals, some of which could actually be useful.

Walnuts:  According to another doctor on You Tube, some nuts every day cuts the likelihood of heart attack in half.  I just like Walnuts.

B2, Co-Q 10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid:  According to the doctor who was treating me for my chronic headache, people with migraine suffer loss of brain cells from the pain, and this combination helps replace them.

I don't take nearly enough.    But the dosage, if your curious is 400mg B2, 300-400 mg Co-Q 10 and 400mg Alpha Lipoic Acid.

I'm not feeling quite so bad anymore, so I only take a fraction of the prescribed dosages.

Let me say that this works wonders for chemo-brain, which I had a rather bad case of after six rounds of aggressive R-CHOP therapy for my stage IV lymphoma.

I also take 1000IU of Vitamin E, and some normal vitamin K because I think they may be helpful, but my doctor has suggested I not take more vitamin E than that.

He's a bit stodgy, but he may have a point.  Or he might not.  I don't know.

I take 3 mg of Melatonin, and it has a few other things in the pill, such as B6, Calcium, L-Theanine, GABA, and a proprietary herbal blend of  Chamomile and Valerian extract.

I have stopped DHEA, but normally I was taking 100mg per day; 50mg in the AM and 50mg in the PM.  I intend to get back on DHEA and I haven't decided on the dosage.

If you're male, DHEA is nice when you're older.  But now that I'm on a hiatus, well, that feels good too.


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