
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Vagaries of NOT Eating Sugar

Once upon a time I loved sweets, but to be safe I settled for crackers with blackberry preserves.  It was good.  Then it struck me that sweet fruity things were slowly damaging my liver and I had to figure out how to stop doing it.  I found a sweetener made of glucose, which the body knows how to deal with. When I need a fix, I just have a spoonful of that.  I also found that large starchy meals tend to set me up for needing sugars, which is doubly problematic because starch makes me break out in hives.   So do any sugars. So I am trying to reduce the amount of starch I eat, which is a problem because my diet was mostly starch,  So this morning I did not have the steel cut oats, vegetables and egg.  I had two soft boiled eggs and a tin of Atlantic Mackerel.  Canned fish really tastes horrible, but it's just the right amount of protein and is filling.  Mackerel tastes better than canned sardines, which, depending on how they're fixed, generally are bad to worse,  So many omega t

Sadly, Sugars Gotta Go

I haven't finished it yet, but I've been watching: "Professor Robert Lustig- 'Sugar, metabolic syndrome, and cancer'" . Which is rather eye opening and he really hits it with diabetes, which I have, sugar and fructose and how they lead to fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. I'm going to be seeing if I can arrange to not eat anymore of that stuff.  I may fail upon occasion, but the direction will be to eliminate it from my diet.    

I Thought I Knew My Fats

I've come across a book by Mary G. Enig, Ph. D. called Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol . I've barely begun to read it, but I can say that it turns what I thought I knew about facts on its ear.  She looks at studies which in the abstract say that long chain fatty acids are bad for you.  She looked at the data, and it said something different. I can eat butter, coconut oil and if I really went for it I could eat bacon.  But I will stay away from any seed oil or vegetable oil.  Watch those omega sixes.