Watching my Blood Sugars Spike and Retreat In the Confluence of Diet and Craving

Well, I had my first day at the gym in a very long while.  Imagine my surprise when I came home and tested my blood sugar: 175?


For the sake of craving, I've been adding the occasional soft or hard boiled egg to my diet, and I had that morning.   Well, and the occasional tin of some small fishy thing like sardines, mackerel or oysters.

I think my blood sugar was in a high normal range before I went to the gym, I'm guessing here, but it was really spiked by the time I got back.

My guess is that my body went into my stores and converted glycogen or converted something else to glucose.  I've just never noticed that before; maybe I was in better shape.

If I stick to my diet which is based on the Esselstyn diet which I cannot tolerate for too long (I tried), then my blood sugars even out in the low to mid 90s.  But I really feel that I'm missing something.

I had been missing something, I had a BMI test which indicated a degree of muscle loss (there was not baseline).

I needed some long chain fatty acids, because a person needs these to build cells, and a good place to get them is in pasture raised butter, because oil soluble vitamins are important too.

I was still missing something.   If I stick to the diet I wake up early in the morning (around 3:00 or 4:00)  and can't get back to sleep.  I tried some fish, and I could sleep in the next day for a couple of spare hours.

Which leaves the problem:  If I stick to the diet, my blood sugars come down, and If I have a little fish, I get great sleep, but my bloods sugars rise.

What's a body to do?


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