
Showing posts from February, 2022

My Brain Seems to Function Pretty Well

Getting older (I'm 72), I expected some memory degradation and some function deterioration, but I seem OK. I don't remember details, but I do remember some details.  Better than my wife and she's younger than I am. I don't know which supplements seem to have helped my brain, although I can say that the reintroduction of saturated fat into my diet has helped.   I seem less frail. That also introduced more fat soluble vitamins.  The combination of CoQ10 and B2 was helpful, according to my ophthalmologist, my optic nerve is over sized (and oddly, the back of my eyes do not look like I have had diabetes for a couple of decades).  That supplement combination helps grow nerves. Although I'm off the Esselstyn diet, I still try to avoid meat, vegetable oils and I don't eat a lot of nuts.  I do eat eggs (pastured), although not many, and a few other things that are bad for me such as chicken salad, but I limit them. I still have my vegetable soup with some handfuls of sp

Meat and Inflamation, Why are We Different?

In a prior post , I noted how red meat, and actually, other meats too, give us long term inflammation because it has a component which can become a component of our cells, functions as well as its corresponding human component, but is noticeable to our immune system, which creates antibodies which attack our cells. Animals can eat meat, like our relatives the chimpanzees, who eat meat, as well as animals who are not close to us who eat meat.   We're different from them. There is an old conspiracy theory, going back thousands of years, that the gods created us from some hominid and their own DNA.  What's that quote about the best laid plans of mice and men? This is just one place where we're not the same as the species we are supposed to have evolved from.   This is about an enzyme that is supposed to convert our sialic acid to the kind monkeys use.   We don't have it, monkey's do.  FYI:  cows and tigers have it too. I guess the god's weren't infallible or di

Inflammation and Red Meat

Over the last year, I've been overstepping the Esselstyn diet and eating things that are probably not good for me.  I've even tried a little meat, usually not red meat, but maybe a little chicken or fish.  Recalling T Colin Campbell and what he said about animal protein, and how it increased the odds of cancer, it was eye opening to find something that supported that and discusses a mechanism for the inflammation that results from eating meat. My question is: are the fats ok? Phil