Dealing with Age and the Compexities of Diet and Supplements

It goes without saying that I'm old.  I will turn 71 this summer and I've been through the medical mill.  Somewhat altered because of Cancer Therapy and Heart Disease.

While I was suffering from chronic headache because the post cancer, Cancer Prophylaxis Treatment, A Thalidomide look alike drug called Lenalidomide AKA Revlimid,  left me a permanent headache, I was told my Headache Doctors  that 400 mg of B2 with 400mg CoQ10 would help me grow the brain cells that I was losing because of the chronic pain.  

Also works great for Chemo-Brain.

I've been taking that expensive stuff ever since because age isn't good for the brain either.

B2 is Riboflavin, by the way. 

But that isn't the only thing that supports the brain, let me recommend Cod Liver Oil and DHEA.  After I had my chest ripped open and my coronary arteries bypassed, and started reducing the fat content of my diet, my brain was in rather poor condition, and exercise was difficult because I would be horribly impatient with my aerobic workout.

The cod liver oil helped with the impatience.  Suddenly, I was calmed, but later I developed a tiredness while I worked out and the DHEA helped with that.

At my age, I'm not producing nearly enough of the stuff.  Probably because of my low fat diet which reduces my cholesterol.

The only down side to DHEA is that as a male, it is more difficult to urinate, I should say slightly more difficult to urinate, than it was before.  But I exercise much better and my brain works better.

I feel like I live on supplements.

The diet actually keeps my blood sugars low, which is something of a surprise,
I've had blood sugars in the low 90s although the do sometimes creep up to 110 if I get sloppy with the diet.

One day I had a tin of oysters that I had from the bad old days and the next day my blood sugars were at 114.  Naturally, I don't do that often.

Oysters are a good source of Zinc, and I am about to start supplementing with Zinc because the anti-malaria drug (hydroxychloroquine) which appears from anecdotal evidence to work with the corona virus is thought to work by letting Zinc into the cell.  My cells let all kinds of stuff in, because I'm a diabetic and my cells let proteins and fats in, if I have lots of Zinc in my system it may just get in there anyway.   I'm probably short on Zinc because its usual sources are things such as oysters and other products of the animal world.  Which I normally don't eat.

I'll take a pill.

Just a note about protein:  animal protein above 5% of your calories has side affects that you may not like over the long run.  Talk to T. Colin Campbell and read the China Study.   Animal stuff is not good generally, but it has been my experience that we need some animal products, like fully formed omega-3s, and certain fats, oils, B12 other B vitamins and certain minerals

I try to skip the animal proteins entirely if I can.

I think we don't need much in the way of protein and the amount we do need we can get from eating starches such as potatoes (7% protein) and grains with are usually higher in protein content (8-15%) depending on the grain and how it is processed.  The only grain that doesn't have a complete protein is millet which is missing Lysine. 

If I bump up the plant proteins with a pea protein powder supplement in my soup, my blood sugars will rise if I keep it up for several days. 

I think the big question is what's missing from the plant world that I need to eat some poor little creature to get.  And I don't know for sure, but I take B vitamins which include B12, cod liver oil and omegas from fish, and I plan to take Zinc in a pill.  It's been my experience that you don't really know what you need until you need it.  When you eat something and you feel better because of it.

I try to do that in such a way that my blood pressure and blood sugars don't go up.

I would like to note that at the end of December I had a CT scan because I was having some chronic intermittent pain and the Radiologist reported that my Aorta only had a moderate amount of calcification.  Years ago, when I first when through cancer treatment it was an advanced amount.

Things have improved.



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