Why Does Nothing Seem to WORK RIGHT?

Once upon a time, I could put anything down my gullet and it would stay there and not complain.  I would have no nasty reaction to food. I'm not like that anymore. 

In attempting to eat more fats, I have come across a problem in my gut.  It seems that at the base of my esophagus is a little bit of inflammation, and I get a feeling that someone is sticking a finger up my esophagus.

It can keep me awake at night.  Not painful all the time, usually strikes in the evening if I don't restrain my desire for fat.  

But I can't eat a lot of fat so have to have some diet other than a ketogenic one.

I went to a gastroenterologist who thought it might be GURD, and he prescribed LANSOPRAZOLE,  which is a protein pump inhibitor which shuts down my stomach acid production.  

It helps, also nauseating me.  But better nausea than the finger. 

My gastroenterologist was a fellow, but my case was a little odd, so he had me talk to the department chair, who thought an endoscopy might be worthwhile, so as I was going to have a colonoscopy in a week or two, he ordered an endoscopy as well.

So I was  under anesthesia for both.

I prefer to be out of it when things like that are done to me.  

But the endoscopy was able to take a peek at the base of my esophagus, and found the inflammation that seems to be causing my problems.

Since this problem doesn't crop up all the time, I can escape the ravages of  the Lansoprazole, because I know that if I took it every day, at the end of a certain amount of time, I would have severe stomach pain and have to stop.

As it is, I can take a pill now and then, and avoid having a reaction to this medicine.  I've already had a reaction to two other protein pump inhibiting drugs.



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